Epic Of Gilgamesh Research Paper

Words: 391
Pages: 2

"One of the world's oldest pieces of recorded literature is an epic, said Charles. "The epic tale of Gilgamesh is about a sumerian King whose tyranny incurs the god's wrath. They send the brute-man "Enkidu" to kill him, but Gilgamesh and Enkidu's battle ends in a draw, and the two became fast "friends." Later, Gilgamesh spurns a goddess' love and she sends the 'Bull of Heaven' to destroy him. Gilgamesh's good friend Enkidu slays the Bull, and that's when the gods say, Enkidu must die. It's an amazing tale." ''Ch, why," exclaimed Penny, "don't people write epics any more?" Charles' brow wrinkled in thought. "I spose it's because modern writers strive to express themselves as individuals, whereas a true epic expresses an entire people's' soul. The Iliad, for example, isn't just Homer's story; it's the story of the Greeks as a people." "Have you …show more content…
"This is cans, bottles, and newspapers," she said. "We-my family and i-believe in recycling, so we make a family project of it. One of us sorts the trash, another bundle them, and so on. Nobody really minds hauling the stuff to the recycling center, but whoever does it gets to skip another house-chore. This week though my husband is just going to drop it off on his way to work. Him taking it will save the kids and I a trip. Actual, we have an informal contest going with our neighbors the Dolmans to see whom can produce less throwaway garbage each week. They pride themselves on using only one can for all their household garbage, but this week we've produced just as little as them. Neither of us does any composting yet, we both plan to, and that's going to make a difference. It all comes down to responsibility. State governments can do its part, and it should; but us citizens have to take an active role as well. We produce the garbage, so in the end who's responsible for solving the problem of garbage? I for one have no doubt-it is