Some foreign leaders don’t take us seriously, simply because America can’t seem to make up its mind about whether the leader it chose is good or bad. I have even felt the effects here, and have a damaged relationship with one of my friends because of our differing views on Trump. Another of these massive differences in opinion is whether unequal and unfair police treatment due to race exists. There have been riots by entire towns because of this unfair treatment (Ferguson), and the situation has worsened tenfold because those people who don’t believe that race-based police brutality exists have spoken out and angered those people even more. My final example is going to be that of gender equality, which is a very sensitive issue. The majority of people acknowledge that things such as the wage gap exist, but many aren’t willing to fight against the current status quo, whichever way they believe. However, the few that believe that gender equality isn’t an issue and the few (although their numbers are growing) who are willing to be vocal about its existence are extremely dedicated to their beliefs, and are willing to fight very publicly about