Police Brutality Research Paper

Words: 614
Pages: 3

Racial injustice, a long-standing issue deeply rooted in our society, continues to pose significant challenges in the pursuit of equality and justice for all. One prominent issue of this injustice is police brutality, which disproportionately affects communities of color. Police brutality not only violates the principles of fairness and equal treatment, but also has far-reaching consequences on individuals and communities. This essay aims to explore the issue of police brutality as an outcome of racial injustice, its impact on society, and the need for change.

Police brutality occurs when law enforcement officers use excessive force or engage in discriminatory practices against individuals, often based on their race or ethnicity. This issue is particularly prevalent in communities of color, where instances of racial profiling and unwarranted aggression are disproportionately high. Racial injustice perpetuates the belief that people of color are more likely to be criminals, leading to biased policing and an atmosphere of fear and mistrust within these communities.
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460 shots were fired by a reported 40 state highway patrolmen, who used shotguns from a distance of 30 to 50 feet. Shot at a dormitory full of black kids. One significant consequence is the distrust between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. When individuals fear the very institutions that are meant to protect them, it hinders cooperation, communication, and the ability to effectively address crime. This breakdown in trust creates a vicious cycle, as communities become less likely to report crimes or cooperate with investigations, ultimately leading to increased crime