Police Brutality Research Paper

Words: 699
Pages: 3

Many people argue that there are many ways to stop police brutality, but there many people just throw out ideas without actually taking them into consideration and thinking what can actually be the effects of it. The media, such as newspaper companies like to make stories more broad in order to sell more to the public, to keep people entertained. In these newspaper articles they state that Police Brutality can be significantly brought down if people fought back to the
Police and went on to strike. What these people do not realize is that not every police officer is a bad person, the media makes people grow such hatred towards them. There are many police officers out there that will put a civilian’s life before theirs, Meaning that the solutions that the media provide
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Police officers need to learn more than logistics of policing but also the broader significance of their role in society,” (Stephanie Rawling). This being said is true, however it does not matter if a person has a great significance of society. Humans tend
Gutierrez 2 to make mistakes, it’s all part of being human which means that at any point in time anyone can commit a crime even if that person has never done anything wrong in their life. A video that can actually show proof of what really did happen is a much more feasible solution than any other solution presented. By providing much more training to officers and a better understanding of the community does not mean that an officer will not have his bad days and cause him to do violent things. Being a police officer takes a lot of patience. “Police Departments need more money in order to provide the police officers with a much more deep training” (Stephanie Rawling). Police Officers do not need money to make them stop Police Brutality. Money police officers get can be