Police Brutality Research Paper

Words: 615
Pages: 3

Police Brutality Police brutality is a real problem in the world. Police use excessive force when dealing with misdemeanors against all races. Police kill people instead of just arresting them, police don't just use brutality against blacks, and they use unnecessary force to the detain people.
Police kill people under false suspicion because of a racial bias. Ramarley Graham was shot and killed on February 2nd, 2012. He was believed to have possession of illegal narcotics so a police officer reported to the scene and shot Ramarley Graham. Graham was reported having a firearm, but in truth, the police officers just assumed he had one so the shot him. Richard Haste, the police officer who shot him, was charged with manslaughter, but all charges were dropped. This boy was an African American of just 18 years of age, and he had a brother, a mom, and a grandmother who were devastated when they found out. They sued for 3.9 million dollars. It is understandable what Haste did, he was under false pretenses that he was carrying a gun. The police officers
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On June 13th, 2015 Michael Roquet was brutally beat in the head after he went to the ground and put his hands above his head. He had been seen intoxicated at a hotel, so the local authorities were called. Jonathan Fraser, a member of the Athens police force, tried to get him to leave but Roquet was confused and was asking for help. Fraser eventually became infuriated and hit him in the head, knocking him to the ground, then hit him two more times. Michael suffered a concussion and multiple bumps on the head. The police officer was fired and arrested because he used extreme force with his baton unnecessarily hard. Fraser was old and had lots of rage, so I could see from his point of view why he got annoyed and vented his anger out on Roquet, but he should not have used that much excessive force, he could have easily used less violence to detain