At that day, when my housemates and I cooked dinner in our house, the door bell rang. I went to open the door. An African American was there, with a sad face, accompanying with his little brother, probably. He asked me for some privacy and told me that he is my neighbor. He said that his mother came to visit him. Unfortunately, she had cancer, and they don’t have enough money back to home.
I felt shocked because I never thought that a stranger just come to my house and ask for money. Also, I feel a little hesitated, even I still said yes to him. On one hand, I needed to go back to take money; on the other hand, I wanted to talk to my roommates; they are all boys with different life experiences. I need suggestion!
I went inside, and told the situation to my friends. They despised me, because they think it was a fake story. Then, they explained that asking for help from individuals is not that effective as from some public organizations. At that time, I felt so confessed, and I don’t know what should I do? I want be kind, but I do not want to be cheated as a fool. I still cannot believe whether it is true or not, but finally I convinced myself to do an act of random kindness. Inside my deep heart, I prefer to