Physical exam, lab results and ultrasound report suggests biliary disease, and then dicyclomine (Bentyl) or glycopyrrolate (Robinul) should be given. For biliary colic NSAIDs are good but should be used cautiously with elderly populations. However; patients with undifferentiated abdominal pain small dose of opioids could be administered. The treatment goal in abdominal pain is to reduce the morbidity and other complications. Generally in primary care setting antispasmodics prescribed such as Dicyclomine (Bentyl) and Glycopyrrolate (Robinul). For better pain control opioids such as Morphine sulfate (Duramorph, Astramorph, MS contin), Meperidine (Demerol), Fentanyl citrate (Sublimaze) can be prescribed (Bryan, 2014).
Patient Teaching …show more content…
If patient has been vomiting then instruct to wait at least 6 hours then resume small meals like rice, applesauce or crackers. Instruct avoid dairy product. If the patient has pain that comes right after eating meal then instructs them to take antacids, it helps with heartburn as well. Try and avoid high fat foods, fried greasy food, citrus, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages. In addition instruct patient to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs. Educate patient to keep dairy to write down pain history including duration of pain, activity, foods, or any other triggers, and what helped to relieve pain (Cash &Glass,