Philosopher Jesse Prinz wrote the article “Death of Morality” in 2011. He was a much known Philosopher at CUNY. In his article he discusses morality and how it relates to culture. He finds morality to be cultural. According to, cultural relativismis”the concept that the importance of a particular cultural idea varies from onesociety or societal subgroup to another, the view that ethical and moralstandards are relative to what a particular society or culture believes to be good/bad, right/wrong”. A culture cannot be wrong in context of another culture. Every culture has its morals and its inner workings. What is right or wrong in a culture may not be the same in the other culture. One culture may support …show more content…
Judgments about a person or their culture are true or false by looking at it some particular standpoint and that no standpoint is right over another standpoint. A relativist may believe conflicting beliefs may be true. Prinze gives an example “Morals are very dramatically across time and place. One group’s good can be another groups evil. Consider cannibalism, which has been practiced by groups in every part of the world. Anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sandy found evidence for cannibalism in 34% of cultures in one-cross historical sample. Or consider blood sports, such as those practice in Roman amphitheaters, in which thousands of excited fans watched as human beings engaged in combat. Killing for pleasure has been also documented among headhunting cultures”(Page 1). This referring relavitism having a wide variation.One may not fidnthis act to be right in this culture. But they have to look at it from cultural relativism point of view. There are no universal morality. He embraces and clears up misconceptions about moral relativism.
James Rachel writes the essay “ The challenge of cultural Relativism”. He was American philosopher and wrote many things about ethics. He tries to explain both side of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism in my eyes is moral codes is culture specific. Rachels argues since different cultures have different moral codes, one should’nt judge the other cultures norms. Use must be open minded and think those peoples perspective. Morality is relative to a culture. Juding a cultures rituals or act as “correct” or