Personal Report Of Communication Apprehension: Questions And Answers

Submitted By Christinasimmons
Words: 503
Pages: 3

Complete after reading the Content & Reading Assignments for Section A in this module.
Worth 20 points
Copy and paste this page, save it to your computer, type in your answers for #1 and 2, save, and submit your file in the folder in the Dropbox labeled Exercise 1.A.

Go to the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension on page 29 in the text.
Write the numbers 1 through 24 on a separate sheet of paper.
Respond to the 24 items in the PRCA following the directions at the top of the page.
Follow the scoring formula at the bottom of the page, determine your scores for the areas of Group, Meeting, Dyadic, Public and Overall.
● In the formula, when you see (1), it refers to the number you put as your response to item #1.
An Example of Scoring Your PRCA­24
Group Score 18
_ (your score for #1) 16
_ (your score for #2) 20
_(your score for #3) 19
_(your score for #4 22
_(your score for #5) 20
_(your score for #6) 25 = your Group Score
1. Fill in your scores here:
Group ­ 12
Meetings ­22
Dyadic ­ 15
Public ­ 21
Overall –70
Important: Please keep these ideas in mind when interpreting your scores.
● Most people have certain situations in which they are more comfortable and others in which they are less comfortable.
● It is more important to look at your overall pattern than you to stress over whether your score classifies you as high, moderate or low.
● What are your strengths? What are your current weaknesses?

● You CAN learn new skills that will increase your competence and thus increase your comfort level.
● If you are concerned about your score for a particular area in this exercise, consider using it as your topic for the project.
Note: Remember that the scores represent your perception of your level of apprehension for the different areas. The lower the score,