Family Interview Analysis

Words: 1641
Pages: 7


Interviewer: Shanela Colon-Flores
Interviewee: Ana Vargas
Interview Setting: Subculture Coffee Shop
Affiliation with Interviewee: A close family friend and more recently, confirmation godmother.
(Start of Interview)
Shanela: What is one the nicest things to happen to you recently?
Ana: It was less of an occurrence and more of nice words said to me. My youngest son’s wife pulled me aside the other day and thanked me for advising her against getting an abortion. These words, as simple as they were, told me that a younger generation still valued what I had to say.
Shanela: How would you describe your relationship with your children?
Ana: I believe my relationship with my children is very close. In the last two
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We were born and raised in the Dominican Republic, I can’t help but attribute our closeness to how we were brought up. In our culture, family trumps everything else. During my mother’s last few months, I recall her constantly saying that family is worth more together than spread apart. I think that’s what’s motivated us to bring together our families.
Shanela: What do you like about being a grandparent?
Ana: Being a figure that is looked up to is a feeling that I don’t take for granted from my grandchildren. They continuously show me affection that I was missing once my children grew up.
Shanela: What types of activities do you enjoy with your grandchildren?
Ana: I really enjoy taking my grandchildren to church. Activities that I think will make them stronger children and eventually adults. I also try to engage in activities that they’ve shown interest in. My granddaughter Abby for example, asked me to teach her how to crochet. I didn’t know how but I taught myself to be able to teach her.
Shanela: Tell me about your best friends and the kinds of things you enjoy doing together.
Ana: My best friends are just the men and women whom I’ve met and connected with at my church. Gloria and Elsa are my best women friends and we all enjoy making traditional Dominican meals and recipes and sharing it with one another.
Shanela: What do you like about your current living