Farm Bureau Failure

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Pages: 3

As the new year approaches, many of us resolve to better align our actions with our best selves, by supporting organizations that help to build healthier families and stronger communities, and seeking to make our world a better place. Next week, against this backdrop, the Iowa Farm Bureau (IFB) hosts its annual convention in Des Moines.

Possessing a strong brand with high name recognition, and unparalleled political influence, the IFB would have you believe that they represent all that is good about our state. Yet while many people view the organization favorably, very few are aware of its extreme right-wing political views and its business entanglements. In reality, the IFB is focused on extracting as much profit as possible via sales
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The IFB owns a 64 percent share of FBL Financial, a massive for-profit insurance company with assets of almost $8.5 billion. Its structure and finances bear little resemblance to most nonprofit organizations, and it essentially operates as a large insurance company, but with nonprofit status.

The organization earns most of its income not from membership dues or publications, but from its investments in insurance companies. These insurance companies invest tens of millions of dollars in large agribusiness conglomerates, so it’s no surprise that the Farm Bureau’s agriculture policies benefit large agribusiness interests much more than family
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Its past support for repealing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and current support for voter ID laws that disenfranchise poor and minority voters, illustrate an organization intent on depriving certain Americans of their constitutional rights. The Farm Bureau also wants to make it easier for polluters to break the law and get away with it, by deleting provisions from environmental statutes allowing citizens to sue the government to force compliance with the