Field Work Observation

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Pages: 6

Introduction In a country where we will down load an app like Placer to hire someone to wait in line for us; and people are willing to pay $95 dollars at Cedar Point just to get to wait in a shorter line at the roller costars with the longest rides you can quickly assume American’s do not like to wait in line. Therefore, I decided to look at the behavior of people waiting in line. During my observation, I attempted to observe what makes the waiting experience so unpleasant to some people that it is worth paying people to get out of doing. During my fieldwork, I observed men, women and children and their behaviors in line and ordering, questioning why is this activity so detestable to some people.

I spent a warm fall day on October
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The man and child would make small talk with each other while waiting in line. When the man and his child were able to take a step forward the man would gently push the child forward with him. When the men got to the front of the line they would order their drink while their child looked at the display case considering what treat they would purchase then the child. Next the child would tell the man what they wanted while the cashier entered the order. Most men seemed to be order standard coffee. One man told his young son that he was only there for his wife because he preferred to drink the coffee at home. During my observation, I noticed most men seemed to be more likely to pay in cash then credit card. If a man was by himself he looked forward with his arms crossed or his hands in his pockets as he waited to move forward in the line. Rarely did he attempt to make small talk with the strangers around …show more content…
A majority of the children that were coming in with soccer uniforms were with both parents. The group would usually head straight to the bathroom them get to the back of the line to wait their turn. The children were mostly getting hot cocoa and a pastry and be back out the door with their parents. One family came in and when the father and son sat on the other side of me while the women placed the orders and paid for their food. While she was waiting for her food she to stood next to me and talked loudly to the man and child with her making me very uncomfortable as if I was in the middle of the