Film Summary Of The Film 'First Generation'

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Pages: 3

The film was about students who lived a life of poverty and their application process for Colleges and the struggles they went through in order to achieve their goals. The high school students that “First Generation” features are Dontay, from Inglewood, LA Jordan High school Watts California, Jess, from Lake Isabella Kern Valley High school, Cecilia, from Bakersfield, and Keresoma, from Paramount High school. From this documentary, we can see that most low-income students do not have access to test prep classes and attempt to apply for scholarships but often get confused in the process. Their parents cannot take them to tour college campuses and cannot guide them through the college application process as opposed to high income households; therefor, leaving high reliance on their high school counselor to guide them through the process. The hardships a low-income student encounters when applying to a college correlates to the percent of low income students that are admitted into highly selective colleges which is about 3% and with only 59% who are eligible for a first-tier university enrollment in less selective schools. Due to the price of a certain college applications and lack of belief in their …show more content…
I found Cecilia’s story the most interesting because she had to make a decision to either stay with her mom and continue the family tradition of being a house wife or live with her friends family were she would be able to study and have a better opportunity to further her education. I was able to relate to this film because I was also in a low income house hold and my mother had not yet received her Bachelors degree until my senior year in high school. The similarities I had were that I had to limit the amount of application I was able to send out because of amount of money each one cost; however I was able to receive more help within my school for college