First Generation Research Paper

Words: 496
Pages: 2

First Generation Students have a lack of motivation .In college students have a lot to deal with in the transition from high school to college. These students lack motivation for college because they have lack of support from family members to help them stay motivated. These students may be the first of one to attend a college institution in there housr hold and need the positive input about how to be successful and achieve the goals set out for themselves. Some families dont have understanding to how college life can help one prepare him/herself for success,out in the workforce world. Motivating a student has its advantanges for them to succeed. A student who lack motivation, also has low self esteem. Low self esteem also causes …show more content…
Maslow Hierachy of Needs and McClellands n Ach states that models are based on human needs that are internal state of mind that cause some individuals to have attitudes and behaviors to satisfy the need for motivation. Motivation, Low Self –Esteem, and Social needs are very important in college surroundings. First Generation Students lack the ability to have social needs. (Hsia 1992) states that students begin to feel uncomfortable at Institutions because they do not socially fit in..Students with low self-esteem, lack of motivation. Causes them not have the proper social skills. College Institutions require for students to be social. Being social shows that there are some participation in activities, and being socialable often mesns that a student has managed to conquer the barriers that withheld them from succeeding. Students have to adjust to College Life, its also a challenge for ther families, as well. First Generation become at risk for leaving an college , and whats more important is that them being social and academic integration is a barrier that departs them from college, other than the ones that remain in college. The social component and the need to belong are critical to motivating and retaining these students in college