My English and history class was extremely difficult, it was faster than I was used to and how the teacher explain things to the class did not make any sense to me. For most of the year I was borderline failing the class. I talked with my guidance counselor multiple times to try to figure out what I could by myself or with someone else to help me pass. When December came around I was in the same spot as before,being unsuccessful for another year. It was suggested that I go see my doctor and talk with her about what is going on and what she might be able to do, after seeing her. I was observed by other doctors and they said close to the same thing ADD or ADHD, with some other issue like depression and anxiety. Fun I thought now I get to be like my brother. Medicated. I was never big on medication, but the medication I take for it helps. By the end of my junior year I passed with a C and all my other classes with above C’s too. I was pleased to see this and it made me happy that something was turning