The first step in the FBA is to establish a team. This team should consist of teachers, parents or caregivers, and any other specialist that works with that child such as speech language pathologists, behavior specialist, occupational therapists, and school psychologist. …show more content…
Interviews with parents, previous teachers and the child, if possible, will be beneficial in establishing data relevant to the cause of the behavior. Additionally, direct observation of the child in different environments will produce data that will aid the identification of the contributing factors. The behavior along with the setting, time, people involved, and distractors should be noted.
Once the behavior has been identified the team will use their finding and develop a hypothesis. The hypothesis should include the learner behavior setting, antecedent for the behavior and the consequences maintaining the behavior.
The team will now work together to establish a plan that will be effective in lessening the inappropriate behavior. The behavior plan will state a replacement behavior for the unwanted behavior. Reinforcers will be implemented to support the replacement behavior. This plan will also include how the environment will change to accommodate the student.
Finally, after the intervention plan has been developed that team will execute their plan, while monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the