As a child, I was unable to recognize the ways that toys were marketed to me as a female. I saw princess dolls from my favorite movies and instantly wanted them. Now that I’m older and educated on marketing strategy, I am able to recognize that children are being duped from all angles. I walked through toy aisles at Walmart and Target and I really focused on the way the toys themselves were posed and what messages they were sending to the children. I was absolutely shocked because the female dolls were so heavily …show more content…
I found a Barbie doll that was supposed to be a nurse and of course she was wearing a short skirt for it. Apparently medical coats are not appropriate for Barbie. Another Barbie I found was a chef, she too was wearing a short skirt and her hair was disgustingly laid above the frying pan. I was horrified, no plastic hairs in my food please. What I found was that most of the girls’ toys center on cooking and cleaning. There were Easy Bakes and Wish I Was vacuums and kitchens and cookware, and brooms, and buckets, and sponges. There was not a single toy marketed to boys that was related to chores. Those were all glorified and advertised to the little girls. Because apparently little girls think they want to be a maid when they grow