Tim Walz once said ,”You have to understand what caused the genocide to happen or it will happen again.”This quote means that in order to stop unfunchint event from happening people have to be proactive in making sure we teach the next generation the proper values of a human life. If the people understand what happened in the past they can prevent it from happening again . We are responsible for teaching students in america about the Holocaust and Rwanda because as a remembrance to the dead, respect other religions, and to raise awareness in the world.
When terrible events happen in the past and no one remembers it has a tendency to repeat in an endless loop . George Santayana, an American philosopher …show more content…
”This report argues that, as our K–12 student population becomes more racially and ethnically diverse, the time is right for our political leaders to pay more attention to the evidence, intuition, and common sense that supports the importance of racially and ethnically diverse educational settings to prepare the next generation. It highlights in particular the large body of research that demonstrates the important educational benefits—cognitive, social, and emotional—for all students who interact with classmates from different backgrounds, cultures, and orientations to the world. This research legitimizes the intuition of millions of Americans who recognize that, as the nation becomes more racially and ethnically complex, our schools should reflect that diversity and tap into the benefits of these more diverse schools to better educate all our students for the twenty-first century.” further more, with any public school, there are not too many Jewish students. That is not to say that the student population is not diverse, because it is. In fact, that student diversity leads to another reason why the holocaust should be taught. While many other groups have had their share of problems, to claim that they have had 'holocausts' of their own is not un-like some sort of myth. When schools teach and sometimes overplay troubles of other ethnic groups but not the Jews', they downplay the true Holocaust. However, …show more content…
The provocation of student action can therefore be another advantage to teaching the Holocaust in school. This is beneficial for two reasons. First, the students might wish to learn about Judaism which would not only broaden their horizons but also reduce anti-Semitic stereotypes that they may feel. Second, the students may feel obligation to increase community awareness of the Holocaust. They might educate other people who do not have the same educational opportunities as them. This will lead to more people who will know of the Holocaust which means there are fewer people who would repeat the atrocities of the past.Introducing new problems to teenagers, children, or even adults. It will want them to take action against genocides and raise awareness inside their community's