George Washington Carver Research Paper

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George Washington Carver What if your education wasn’t free in high school, having to work to get your education? What if one of your parents dies in a bad accident? What if you were born in slavery and had a bad sickness and later on you and mom got kidnapped? George Washington Carver Contemporary. George Washington Carver experienced all of these things as a kid and teenager. Since he experienced all of these not so great things early in his life, he was a very successful person overall he got through everything and found a way around not being accepted into high schools, he moved places just to find a school that would accept him for his race. George Washington Carver was a wise individual who stood for where his smartness got him, showed …show more content…
It takes a lot of thinking to be able to find a lot of different uses for certain things. George Washington Carver was a wise individual to follow and appreciate because of his success. “Born into slavery, he spent his first 30 years wandering through three states and working at odd jobs to obtain a basic education”(George Washington Carver Contemporary). If you are born into slavery and you got to where you invented something and so much more than you are succeeding because being born into slavery can be hard to take care of a child and yourself and for the kid to have a good life. “Carver donated his life savings to the establishment of the Carver Research Foundation at Tuskegee for continuing research in agriculture”(George Washington Carver Britannica). Being able to donate your life savings to continue agriculture is a big thing. To be able to donate that much money to help others is good and successful because you are making enough to help others and yourself. George Washington Carver was a wise individual to follow and appreciate because of his …show more content…
“His work helped transform the stagnant agricultural economy of the South after the American Civil War”(George Washington Carver Britannica). To be able to help the economy after a war is a lot, because having to do everything to clean and fix everything from the war takes a lot of work. “He experienced severe racism yet rose to international acclaim. He proclaimed a desire to serve the poorest members of his race yet sought and won approbation from the wealthiest of white benefactors”(Wilson and Taylor ). To be able to go through racism and deal with it and still win is a lot of work because of whatever everyone is saying to you and how bad their word hits you and how you take it can be a lot. So what if you didn't have to pay to go through high school? Or get born in slavery, or get kidnapped and taken to another state. The point is that Carver had all of that stuff happen at a young age. He was still able to succeed in his career in agriculture and help the economy and other people even after wars and racism and everything else happened. (“George Washington Carver: A Mighty Vision..."). Works Cited "George Washington Carver." Britannica School, Encyclopdia Britannica, 20 Feb. 2024. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024. The. The "George Washington Carver." Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 78. 4, Gale,. Gale In Context: