Other white people would relate to Chris by saying they love Tiger Woods or that “Black is in fashion.” During the auction of Chris, many of the white people tried to buy Chris, which harkens to the slave auctions of the 1800s. The winner of the auction happened to be the blind man, who weirdly already knew him. It was later described that he was bought for a procedure so that the blind could obtain Chris’s vision. I interpreted it as the same way whites want black things but don’t want to be black. There have been many race issues in recent times, especially with the recent election of Donald Trump as president. The film Get Out did a phenomenal job showing how scary and real racism is. It took a horror movie to demonstrate this to people, but the message has been communicated effectively by the director. It gives insight to current events such as the police encounters with people of color, the privilege white people and Asians tend to share on occasion, and the appropriation of