Born into slavery, Douglass escaped and became an anti-slavery activist. In his speeches and books he publicly denounced slavery and Jim Crow. Similarly, Rawlins stands for much of the same. While visiting a town Rawlins makes a reference of being an ex slave and tells a little boy, “Ain't no dream. We runaway slaves but we come back fighting men. Go tell your folks how kingdom come in the year of jubilee!” Regardless of of if this is true or just rhetoric, it is clear that from this quote and from other scenes in the movie that this regiment is at least partially made up of ex slaves. Moreover, Rawlins stand to fight for the same beliefs that Douglass argued for, a united union free from slavery. He recognized, as Douglass did, the importance of working with white allies and their role in helping the African American community. In many ways Douglass was unique among Washington and Dubois because he was a black leader who worked closely with white leaders to all accomish the same goal. In the movie Douglass is seen working with white people of power, is credited with helping create the 54th regiment, and is present at an important parade surrounded by northern white leaders. In the same way, Rawlins worked closely with white leaders of his platoon in an effort to achieve a similar