Gluten Free Research Paper

Words: 879
Pages: 4

One of the hardest parts of taking on a gluten free diet is getting started. Whether you start it because you are allergic to gluten, or if you are avoiding gluten to become healthier, it can be overwhelming if you feel like you cannot eat anything that you used to eat. However there are more alternatives to the food you are “giving up” than you might think! Anyone can go gluten free and here are some tips for successfully starting a gluten-free lifestyle. Currently, going gluten free is a fad in our society. It is becoming more and more popular and prevalent. That makes it easier for people who have sensitivities to it, or people who have Celiac Disease, to find gluten-free foods in the mainstream. At the same time that society loves the …show more content…
Google the gluten-free versions of your favorite foods. You will be surprised at how many recipes there are out there! Whole websites are dedicated to the gluten-free versions of foods. Form a list of what you need to buy and go out and find those ingredients. Whole Foods is not the only place to buy gluten-free foods now. Walmart, Aldi and Target are constantly growing their gluten free sections, and other stores are starting to catch on.
If you have friends who are also gluten-free, ask them where they buy their food or what their favorite gluten-free food is. Expand your horizons and become (a label reading) food explorer! Since I became allergic to gluten, I have eaten many more foods that I probably would not have tried before, and have also become more aware of what I put into my body. I appreciate the simplicity of a peach or veggies, much more now then before.
Never be afraid to ask what is in something, and take the time to read labels. Do not be afraid to say no when delicious food that you know you cannot eat, is offered to you. People truly do not mind and some even appreciate the variety a gluten-free person needs. Becoming gluten-free may seem to be an intimidating process, but hopefully this helped you or gave you some ideas of how to make the process easier. Happy