Good Cause Research Paper

Words: 831
Pages: 4

Invest in profitable social change
Anyone can be a part of our profitable social change enterprise. We are talking about the ripple effect, not a genetic wave, but several marginal waves setting motion all-round. Role of investors with Good Cause (Pvt Ltd) is same as in case of any commercial profit making private limited business. Individuals or a group that has a desire to make the world a better place to live can invest in any of the existing businesses of Good Cause or propose a new one.

What makes us different?
The major differences between the Good Cause businesses and general commercial businesses are;
Purposeful career; Good Cause and its allied businesses are purpose driven. The primary goal is to promote businesses that help uplift
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Ownership; Investors, directors and employees have a share in the company finances and assets, including intellectual and tangible, we even encourage clients to designate a part of their payment as an investment.
Standard procedures; Organizational processes are standardized throughout. We replicate our proven successful business models for a social enterprise and continually improve it along the way.
Fair chance investment model; we advocate for fair investment chances, no single investor can invest over 33% in a particular business so that at a minimum there are three investors. Although a single investor can invest in multiple businesses under Good Cause (Pvt. Ltd).
Active investment model; we encourage active investment, which implies an investor is required to participate in daily and routine activities of a business, take clear and critical decisions when required, participate in meetings, overlook the financials and fulfill his / her obligations as the managing director of a business that he / she has invested.
Moreover, an investor in a certain enterprise subsequently becomes part of the Good Cause Core Team
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The profit comes in pure form of trade of goods or services.
• Experience like none before; social and economic benefit for all. Favorable and enabling environment for employers, employees and stakeholders. Unlike today’s corporate world where it’s all mayhem, at times employees are taking undue advantage of modesty of the employers and every so often employers exploit their employees. Our organizational systems are structured in such a way that they support a group environment; ownership is distributed and so are the responsibilities. It is one of our primary goals to create an exemplary work environment that can inspire others.
• Stress free business; being one of our primary concerns we have developed systems that promote human centric process and gives unlimited space to look at problems (we call opportunities) in a different way. Stress is manifestation of existing behaviors, we strive to develop new habits, unleash potentials, trust in one’s abilities, supports co-workers and capitalize on the problems (yes we mean