When Southern African Americans chose to make the journey to the North, they hoped to escape the harsh racism of the South. By moving to the North they could form new political ideas based on equality as well as begin a new life for themselves. As stated in Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North, “The decision was to stay in the south’s segregated caste system or make the pilgrimage north or west, in the hope of escaping racism and having more access to jobs, housing, and other opportunities (WBUR News Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North). PBS also concludes that blacks who stayed at home because of family ties lost their political freedom and economic opportunities (PBS The Great Migration). This evidence demonstrates how the Great Migration left a positive impact on America as racism ended, diversity spread, and in the North blacks were finally able to express their own political opinions. Effects of the Great Migration can still be spotted in numerous aspects of life in the United States