The one thing you know you have in common with your group members is that you are all college students at UC Irvine. With your group members, identify a problem that you have encountered at UCI—or, if you are not familiar enough with problems specific to this campus, some more general problem that college students face today. The problem can be something “small,” like a service or facility on campus, the core/required curriculum, the 39 series, or it can be general problems with K-12 education (do you feel that high school prepared you for college, for example?), or the infamous student loan debt problem. Use your devices to get background information. Outline the problem and propose a tentative solution to advocate for in front of your classmates with the help of a PowerPoint or Prezi in which you include images that will help convince your audience.
Things to cover:
1. Description of the problem, including:
a. any background you can find;
b. the stakes, i.e. what do you, UCI, universities, the nation, the planet stand to lose if the problem is not resolved;
c. how aware your fellow students are of this problem;
d. what kinds of solutions your fellow students would support;
e. (c) and (d) for faculty, administration, and California voters, if possible/applicable.
Consider going around and polling your classmates in other groups. If you do, be specific with your questions.
2. An outline of additional research