Gun Control Is Bad

Words: 1721
Pages: 7

Gun is a weapon, when applied force on the trigger, ejects the bullet as well as makes a sharp noise simultaneously. Sometimes, as a result, it leads to sudden death of innocent people. There are many cases registered in the USA on this unexpected firing. Some of these include Sandy hook elementary school in Newton, CT, at grocery store in Tucson, Arizona, the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. This unexpected firing could be overcome by the gun control. The following paper illustrates the problems associated with the gun and its corresponding solutions.
Gun control is a measure to reduce both known and unknown criminal violence. The violence here is not only because of guns, it is dramatically multiplying with the unemployment, health issues,
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The aspiring gun owners should provide their fingerprints, photographs and personal details. Applicants have to take a 20 question test on the district gun law and regulation. They have to attend a five hour session including a gun range. Purchasers are required to find the trainers from the police approved list. There is also a vision exam. After going through all these process, the gun should be hand over to police for the ballistic identification. After issuing, the gun license has to renew for every three years. If the owner fails to renew, the police have right to seize the gun and can charge a fine up to $1000 or could be jailed for up to one year (Fields).
Gun control is not only a criminal issue, but also a constitutional right issue. On one side, both the state and federal governments are planning to protect the individuals through the legislative laws by restricting the ownership of guns. On the other side, some schools do not believe in these laws and teach their students that these laws do not show any impact on the violence. However, it leads to the negativity and untrusty towards the
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In the US there were nearly 19,392 people every year who were committing suicides with guns. More than half of the nation suicides are committed with guns. It is clear that, state there the access to guns is easier having the highest rates of suicides. According to the Miller, “If every life is important, and if you’re trying to save people from dying by gunfire, then you can’t ignore nearly two-thirds of the people who are dying”. I agree with Miller’s point of view, as a human we should help others. In this modern era everyone is busy with their own life. Many of them are not caring and respecting others. They even do not have any time to communicate with their family and friends. In this process some individuals are feeling stress and lonely as a result they are facing depression. We people should change our mindset and start interacting with our beloved ones. I believe that if this interaction process continues, the rate of suicide will