Gun Control Persuasive Essay

Words: 1300
Pages: 6

With the growing number of mass shootings on the rise, gun control has become a major focus stretching from communities to the government. Reactions to tragedies and knowing that something needs to change, has set in motion a target on gun control. The problem is, are guns to be held responsible for human action? Growing numbers of people are leaning towards yes, however, a large number have researched the people behind the mass killings. The people who have mental illnesses and have not received help to combat or cure their diseases are becoming those that hold our fate in their hands. If we were to ban guns, would this solve the problem? If we ban a type of gun, or the amount of ammunition, would this be a solution? Lawmakers and citizens have multiple views, trying to find the answer. If we take away guns, many believe other weapons will replace them. We need to address mental illness and cannot stop these occurrences with gun control, however, desperate to try something, this gun control is targeted it has waged a war on …show more content…
In an article titled The Unmentionable Causes of Violence, by Andrew Stephen, he discusses the increase of exposure to violence through media. He explains that there are countless resources for not only reading about, but viewing violent acts, even through direct presentation from those such as Cho Seung-Hui and others who post pictures and even video through Utube. In other words, it is easily available and it is influencing others. Stephen makes a point that Cho Seung-Hui was one of the first to use 21st century technology to leave a lasting mark of his violent acts through the use of media and he easily knew how to do it, sending it to NBC and utilizing other sources. He left his mark in history and for the world to