Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

Words: 504
Pages: 3

In this world today, lots of people are fighting for gun control, but these people don't understand the importance of guns in our nation. Guns are used for self defense all over the counter to save people's lives from intruders. Gun control also will no stop shootings, most shooters have mental health issues and that causes there violence, the guns aren't the problem. A test to prevent mentally ill people from buying guns will stop most american shootings because studies show most of our shooters have mental issues.
The main use of self defense in America from Intruders or Burglars are firearms, whether it's a shotgun, assault rifle, or a handgun, they save peoples lives every day. A article from ABC talks about a man who saved his life and his son, when he heard a bang in the early hours in the morning he grabbed his 9mm handgun and when out to see a man going into his sons room. He was able to take out the intruder that was found to be armed and ready to cause harm to someone. If he didn’t have this gun in his house,his, and his son's life could be in jeopardy. This is why we as American should have the right to bear arms, to protect ourselves and our families.
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Most of all Shooters in America Had had mental problems and disabilities. This is what causes the shootings, there mids go crazy and they became a killer. For example, Nikolas Cruz, the 17 year old shooter who killed seventeen people during a school shooting in Florida, He had mental problems that doctors say caused his mind to go crazy. This is not the only time someone with a Mental illness has killed lots of people. Testing that will prevent these people from getting ahold of guns is a