Gun Control Policy Essay

Words: 1287
Pages: 6

Module III

Firearms policy in the United States has been one of the hot topics in the political agenda for a long period of time. With new rules and regulation to control the power of firearms, Second Amendment topic is always reemergence’s to the spotlight, which doesn’t allow the government to create stricter laws.

With the mass shootings at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hook Elementary School the attempted murder of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona and the most recent shooting in San Bernardino, there has been no gun control regulation that has passed either house of Congress of the assault weapons ban. Instead, government officials have been far
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Personally, I can’t exactly tell what is going to happen because my opinion is and maybe different from the government officials. I do believe there would be a time where there will be a slow decline in the usages of firearm for both hunting. Why do I thing this? What are people going to hunt from, when most of the animals are extinction and it is becoming illegal to hunt for certain type of animals. This would probably be one of the reasons for the slow decline in the usage of firearms for hunting. Other than that, I think we would need a lot of improvement in our environment for extra gun control, most importantly policy changes in the area of gun regulation, which seems unlikely in the foreseeable future. Though, there are some proposed plans that are in place that have been beneficial to the …show more content…
The NRA have strong position stating that owing a gun means one can defend themselves against other members of the community, and from the federal government. The NRA also proposed a program called “National Model School Shield Program” which would train teachers how to use the firearms and register helpers to patrol school grounds. According to the NRA the training “involves between 40 to 60 hours of induction into the use of weapons – with the NRA offering its services as a training