As we look at countries that have virtually no gun violence, Switzerland comes to mind. They did not ban guns but have a very strict handgun laws. Kopel & D’Andrilli (1990), stated, “that all guns are registered, and handgun purchases require a background check and a permit” (para. 2). If our government would focus on the loopholes that allows 40% of all guns in the United States to be purchased without a license, we can decrease gun violence. “Coalition To Stop Gun Violence” (n.d.), states “prohibited purchasers are less likely to try to buy guns when they know comprehensive background check requirements are in place” (para. 2). The problem is all states do not require background checks. If all the states would require universal background checks and permits, this would do away with the loophole.
Although I do not agree with Ngo’s article did make some good points and does have valid, credible, and reliable information. The logical fallacies in the argument is when he brings what The Second Amendment states in regards to a “well-regulated militia” because that what this law aims for and that although it gives us the