Harlem Renaissance Research Paper

Words: 646
Pages: 3

Harlem Renaissance Between the end of world war 1(1917) and the start of the great depression and the years leading up to the world war 2 (1930s),African Americans engaged in a thriving period of cross- disciplinary artistic and cultural activity known as the harlem renaissance.I feel like the harlem renaissance is interesting because it talks about the black culture which I find really cool and it kind of relates to the jazz age which also interest me as well. Background In the 1920s and 1930s, the mainly african american region of Harlem new york,had the harlem renaissance.The mass migration of African americans from the rural south to urban areas like harlem in search of greater economic opportunity and as a way of fleeing racial discrimination …show more content…
Related to the end of the Harlem Renaissance in the late 1930s.Also the African American community values and creativity created as a result of developing political and cultural factors.However the Harlem Renaissance's influence lasted in motivating later generations of scholars,artists and activists influencing the course of African American history and culture.In conclusion the Harlem Renaissance proved the worth of African Americans to society.It showed the people of all races,even black themselves,that blacks could make it in America-that they were capable of freeing themselves from oppression and speak for equality;black nationalism would later become a philosophy of the black panthers.While the great depression might have ended the renaissance,the ideals from the rebirth did not