Harlem Renaissance Research Paper

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Pages: 8

Harlem used to be the mecha of black art and culture during the 1920s. The Harlem Renaissance transformed the area into a center of fun, love and innovation. Louis Armstrong’s smooth jazz resonated off the walls of the newly built clubs and the smooth taps of Billy “Bojangles” Robinson’s shoes graced the dance floors. People like W.E.B Du Bois helped other black men and women to work their way up in society through the N.A.A.C.P. But now, historically black business are falling and, in their place, appear Whole Foods’ and Forever 21’s. Harlem has become a place for hipsters and young white college students to live. You now hear vibey music from high indie artists and the muttering of crowds waiting in line to try the next new weird food fad. …show more content…
Bed of Nails, has a luxurious feel to it. The pedicure chairs are tufted velvet thrones and the air is scented to cover the smell of acrylic and nail polish. When I asked about the factor of inclusion in her business, Candice laughed to herself and recounted a couple of stories about the men who have come into her salon. She told me a story about a man who came in to book an appointment for his girlfriend and became infatuated with one of their purple couches. He later called in to ask Candice where she bought the couch. Many other men find themselves being more comfortable in Bed of Nails than they’d expect. Candice described several situations in which men came in to book nail appointments for their girlfriends and ended up getting their nails done too. Bed of Nails has a selection of men’s magazines and encourages men to come get their nails done, despite the stigma behind men getting pampered. Candice is a firm believer that men should get groomed just as much as women. Candice said, “Woman have to get waxed or shaved and get their nails and hair done. Men should do that too”. She is more than glad to aid men in becoming comfortable in her salon and she feels it’s very important to make it explicitly clear that they are accepted. Candice views working in the salon as helping people, fulfilling her main passion in life. She told me, “ I found that plastic surgery had too much red tape. I couldn’t get as close to people as I wanted to”. With nails, Candice was able to befriend her clients on a deeper level. They come to her and tell her about their lives and she is able to tell them her