Hate Crimes Research Paper

Words: 1627
Pages: 7

People today do not often pay attention to certain crimes like assault and battery, kidnappings, and hate crimes. What people do not see is that these types of crimes against a person are usually “put to the side” and are not looked at for a certain amount of time. This could be a serious problem for not only the United States, but for humanity itself. Should crimes against a person be considered an important issue to the United States or to be left alone?
Crimes against the person has changed over the years that it has been around. But before it was like this. It was very different from the middle of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Criminal activity such as assault was not an important issue in that current
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The current law for crimes against the person are said that, “…civilian deaths in modern conflicts far exceed that of armed combatants.” That means civilians have gotten more deaths than with a “armed combatants.” It is a bad thing to say that there are more people that are dying within the United States than when the people are at war. There were a few circumstances where people had died because of hate crimes, earlier this year in modern day conflicts, when people are protesting to have certain rights, things can get carried away and that can even lead to death in some cases.There are also cases “…as woman are forced into sexual slavery, children are abducted and used as slaves or child soldiers”. That means that women and children are forced to do things that they do not want to do but really cannot do anything about it since they are not as strong as a man or a fully-grown man. People may think that sexual slavery is a thing of the past, but in reality, it is also an ongoing crime against women and children, which counts as crimes against a person. Crimes against a person is applied to crimes that happen every day, in modern law, which means that they are important to the way the law system works. Hate crimes have been an issue within the United States for many years. The current law that has been signed was in, “…2009, Congress passed…the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, expanding the federal definition of hate crimes…” President Barack Obama signed the recent law, and it protects the rights of people despite their beliefs and the equality of every person despite their religion, color, creed and sexual orientation. That lets the reader know that there has been awareness brought up about the topic of hate crimes which is also considered a