Head Injury Research Paper

Words: 447
Pages: 2

Head injuries can be either closed skull or open skull. Closed skull means that the surface where you hit your head did not open or crack the skull. Open skull means that the surface did open or crack the skull. In the following paragraphs, I will be explaining signs and symptoms of a head injury, causes of a head injury and treatment. A headache, nausea, temporary ringing of the ears are just some of the minor head injury symptoms. These are more common when you have hit your head on something. However, if you have a severe head injury some symptoms that will be included are also ringing of the ears, a spinning sensation and a headache. These symptoms are the same as a minor head injury. Symptoms that separate minor head injuries from severe head injuries are if you start to vomit, changes in mood, seizures, if you are having trouble balancing and you lose consciousness. Losing control of your muscles and if you can’t focus your eyes on something. These are all symptoms of a severe head injury and that means that you will need to go to the doctor because there might be some bleeding in your head. …show more content…
Shaken Baby Syndrome is the most common in infants. This is when a baby or child is shaken with a large amount of force. Since babies have softer brains and weaker neck muscles when and if they are shaken violently their brain hits the inside of their skull which can cause bleeding in the brain. Head injuries that are caused by hitting your head on something are more likely to come from a fall, physical assaults, and sports related accidents. In these cases, the brain in your head is protected by your skull. Sports related accidents are most common when playing football since the impact between both players in either with their head or their