Health Care Case Study

Words: 802
Pages: 4

Review Questions:
1. What are the principals of risk management? As general matter, risk management is designed to achieve two purposes:
a) Identify areas of operational and financial risks of loss to a health care facility, and its patients, visitors, and employees.
b) The implantation of measures to lessen the effects of unavoidable risks prevents recurrences, and cover inevitable losses at the lowest cost.
In other words, risk management looks at specific incidents to assist in determining what activities should be avoided and how to do so.
2. How does properly documented health record reduce the risk of a health care facility?
A properly documented health records benefits a health care provider’s defense in a lawsuit because it reduces
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What are the advantages of completing an incident report as soon as practicable after an incident?
First those memories are fresh and the event will be described more accurately. Second, the health care provider accelerates the availability of the report to his attorney, insurance, carrier, and quality assurance department for review and evaluation. Finally, the sooner the provider’s attorney has the report, the sooner it will be determined whether the report is discoverable and admissible in the event of
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How is authentication represented in an electronic health record?
It is represented by an electronic signature, also called computer-generated signature code.
4. What is admissibility, and how does it apply to the electronic record?
Admissibility refers to pertinent and proper evidence that may be considered by the judge or jury when deciding the issues in a lawsuit. It applies to the electronic health record in the context of submission of a computer printout as evidence in court of patient care.
5. What protection from the physical environment should be in place to protect an electronic health record?
For the physical protection of the electronic records, the physical environment is an important part of the physical security. Physical environment refers to the control of the temperature, humidity, and power surge and failure protection devises that surround the nuts and bolts of the computer system and health records.

7. How does the business associate rule apply to the electronic health record?
Applies to third party computer services; qualify as Business Associates (under HIPAA) and must enter into a Business Associate Agreement with the health-care entity. - Governed by HIPAA's Privacy Rule and its accompanying