Health Disparities And Racial Discrimination In Health Care

Words: 2670
Pages: 11

Introduction Health disparities are a manifestation of discrimination in healthcare. Discrimination, particularly against racial and ethnic minority populations, is a prevalent issue that continues to corrode society, especially healthcare. Culture is a social determinant of health that results in health inequities, particularly evident in marginalized racial groups such as Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) who are subjected to structural racism. Due to its systemic and interpersonal nature, racism is a complex issue that causes an abundance of ramifications that patients and healthcare professionals fall victim to. There is no therapy, medication, or surgery that can cure the healthcare system of racism, however there are preventions …show more content…
Progression of poverty rates over time among ethnic groups in the U.S. The figure above demonstrates the drastic racial disparities found in society, which contribute to discrediting BIPOC health professionals and patients based on prejudice. With the establishment of a commission, affected communities will be identified as disadvantaged. Recognizing the victims of discrimination in healthcare is essential to help improve their circumstances by eliciting positive change in their circumstances. This idea of a commission can provide the sufficient health education that was once lacking due to poor circumstances, dismantling biases whilst teaching ways of advocacy in healthcare for the BIPOC communities. It is also imperative that this commission acknowledges and addresses the adverse impacts of racism in healthcare over time. To effectively reduce discrimination in healthcare, one must identify and dismantle its institutional legacies, and analyze its social and health consequences. Doing so will allow society to better understand the damage racism can cause, and allow people to learn from the mistakes of the past in order to prevent further damage. A commission helps form collaboration between various communities and healthcare domains, thereby acting as a direct hub for anti-racism through acknowledging past and current issues, and figuring out solutions from different perspectives. In short, establishing an organization that can serve as a platform for BIPOC communities affected by health disparities caused by racism can reduce discrimination by identifying its severity through the acknowledgement of past and present victims, effects, and issues. Solution 2: Diversifying Healthcare One of the main reasons why racism is persistent in healthcare is due to the lack of diversity in the workforce and health data. Increasing BIPOC representation in healthcare allows professionals to expand their understanding of coworkers’ and patients’ circumstances and