Healthy Relationships Research Paper

Words: 1470
Pages: 6

In life, people form many relationships; whether it is friendships or romantic relationships. Friendships are usually what lead to the ever daunting romantic relationships. All people want to be in romantic relationships that grow to marriage and then a family. People in these relationships need to know how to make them healthy relationships, so they last the test of time. The process of how to be in a healthy relationship takes many steps, but the goal is achievable. The first part of having a healthy relationship is to go into the relationship emotionally and mentally unstable. For this to happen there needs to be some event that you have gone through that you suppressed deep in your brain long before this relationship. This event …show more content…
One good thing that can shake things up a bit is to freak out on them for talking to members of the opposite sex. Even if you know that the person they are talking to is just a best friend who happens to not be of the same sex. Part of this situation that would help to spice it up is set a double standard between you and your partner. Just like in the above sentences, get mad at them for talking to members of the opposite sex, but have it be perfectly fine for you to talk to people of the opposite sex; this situation will cause you and your partner to bond and have a stronger relationship. By no means will this cause the relationship to have any issues. In a survey, taken by Time Magazine, a high percentage of people said that not talking to members of the opposite sex because the person they were with would not allow them to, made them have a happier relationship. Another thing that can rock the boat is starting to show your real colors: quit hiding that bad memory, become very emotional, and wig out at all times. Once you have begun showing your true colors make sure to point out everything you are unhappy with in the relationship that way you catch your partner off guard. Once they are in a state of shock with what you said, precede to say it is not their fault and that you should have communicated how you were feeling sooner. After setting up the double …show more content…
There can be physical and verbal abuse that will help make your relationship healthy. Physical abuse is good to use when situations get heated and tensions get high. After all, a little love tap here or there never hurt anyone, if anything it will bring the two of you closer. All healthy relationships have some sort of physical contact, but the ones that leave marks are the best. Healthy relationships also involve verbal abuse. This can be little things such as saying you are ugly, or nobody else will want to be with you; saying these types of things will ensure that they stay with you and realize that you are the best thing for them. There are some other things that you can say that are way more vulgar, but those are subject to your imagination. Everyone likes being talked down to, so it is no different when it comes to being in a relationship; make them know that you run the show and that they have no say in what goes on in the relationship. Threats can be a very healthy part of relationships. Threats can vary is severity, but they essentially evoke the same end result, a healthy relationship. A small threat that you can make is threatening to leave the person you are with. With these kinds of threats you need to make sure that in order for you to stay they have to change something, and the reason you are threatening to leave must be miniscule. For example, say you are going to