To illustrate that point, another heroic person who put others before himself and has demonstrated the perfect amount of courage and sacrifice is Welles Crowther. Many people may know him by as ‘The Man in the Red Bandanna.’ Crowther earned this nickname because he always carried a red bandanna in his pocket while working in the upper floors of the south tower at the World Trade Center in New York. On the morning of the attack on the Twin Towers he was wearing it, so henceforth and forevermore the survivors call him ‘The Man in the Red Bandanna.’ On September 11 at the age of only 24 Welles Crowther became a hero. His tower was hit and he immediately took action. “He was the cowboy coming in to save the town. In this day and age we have no real heroes, here was a young man who basically gave his life” (Man in the Red Bandanna). He tried to help as many people as possible to the stairwell and lead them to safety. He saved many innocent lives and will always be remembered. "He could have taken the easy way out. There are a lot of situations in everybody's life where you can take the easy way out. You can just go with the flow and you can do what everybody else was doing, but he really listened to his gut. And was a hero for it. So I kind of look at it from that standpoint, I think all of us could do that a little bit more and make more of an impact in the world" (Shirek). An even bigger impact is seen in the Christian world
Finally, one man known worldwide takes the final spot on being a true hero. He is known as Jesus Christ. “Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ, was