The information as indicated below is required to be in part of your paper and please provide some sample examples in to justify the information regarding to these categories attached to your paper:
|Company-name, history |Organization |How many employees- get|Do the company |Job description (at |Compensation—what kind |
|and any helpful details|Structure—what formats |any data you may find |outsource or not? |least three different |of structure—any bonus?|
|about the company |they use and do you |on how many they had | |jobs) | |
| |think it is an |few years back. | | | |
| |effective structure? If| | | | |
| |yes or no—why? | | | | |
|Benefits—what kind do |Evaluation form-How do |Mission |Vision |Application-what kind |HR policy-What kind |
|they offer? What is |they evaluate their |statement-provide the |statement-provide the |of application do they |policy do they have? |
|attractive and not |employees and what |statement and what do |statement and what do |use? Provide sample. |What policies do you |
|attractive? |evaluation system do |you think of the |you think of the |What information is |think they should have |
| |they use. Is it good or|statement? |statement? |included in the |and why? |
| |bad and why? | | |application? Do you see| |
| | | | |anything that should be| |
| | | | |in the application? | |
|Employee safety & |International |Advertisement-where? Is|Recruitment-What style |Current news about the |Diversity-Do they have |
|health program-Do they |involvement? If so and |the advertisement |do they use? What |company and your |Diversity |
|offer this program and |where? |attractive? |approach do they use? |perspective |representative and what|
|what is it? | | |Do they do internal | |program do they have to|
| | | |before going external | |offer? |
| | | |or both ways? | |EEO-Do they have one |
| | | | | |and what is their |
| | | | | |statement? |
|Training & |Motivation-- |Message from CEO |Who are we |Awards |Should you work for |
|Development—What kind | |