High School Naps

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Pages: 4

Sleeping within School Hours
“Exhaustion makes wimps of all of us” (Loehr.) This quote can be proven by several teenagers as well as some adults. Humans have evolved into intelligent human beings yet we have several weakness that even the strongest can beg for mercy. Sleeping is one of them. Most people hate the idea of having to be woken up by an alarm clock after not getting enough sleep. It’s relatable to every student after sacrificing their sleep for succeeding in school that they tend to be stressed out.. Because tired people are unfocused and unproductive, the schools should allow students and teachers to take naps during school hours and provide rooms for napping. During first period most students are drowsy as well as tired because
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High school students have been given homework since the young age of being in kindergarten. Saying from such a young age they have been exposed from having so much homework that often they don’t get enough sleep as they get older. When kids are younger they sleep more even if they want to stay up. In high school students aren’t babied as much. Since kindergartners as well as preschoolers don’t really want to sleep during the day, in opposition to that high schools need the sleep, perhaps they should give rooms for high schoolers to sleep. Perhaps even make it a class or welcome tired students and inform their teachers they won’t in their class for a class period and they’ll catch up tomorrow or come in after school. Midday napping for students as well as teachers. During the middle of the day, around lunchtime is where most students and teachers get tired. Where as if the students are drowsy after lunch, chances they’d fall asleep in their class making it harder to learn. Showing that students should be allowed to sleep for half an hour to an hour. Allowing the body to be fully rested as well as the students and teachers being able to sleep and being focused on their work now that they are rested. Yet some problems with being able to sleep in school is faced upon the teacher and