High School Start Times Research Paper

Words: 537
Pages: 3

Imagine, on a Monday morning, being able to shut off the alarm and roll over. This event highlights the fact that pushing back school start times would give students a break. By gaining an additional hour in the morning, students can improve in many areas of their lives. By pushing back scholastic schedules, students can maintain health, safety, and educational success. To begin with, pupils' health is positively affected when start times are postponed. For example, sleep is lengthened in the morning, which is one of the greatest factors that contribute to the health of growing teens. According to "Considering Later Start Times," Professor Carskadon reports that insufficient sleep has many negative effects, such as "mood disturbances," "inattention," poor grades, behavior issues, and "immunity problems." (6). The aforesaid aforesaid …show more content…
If students are not healthy, they are likely to miss school. Not only do later start times improve sleep schedules, but also behavior, mood, and social skills associated with sleep. Additionally, the education of students is likely to improve with delayed start times. By receiving another hour in the morning, children are more able to prepare and clear their thoughts to focus on the school day ahead. "Considering Later Start Times" clearly states that students who get less sleep are more likely to receive lower grades and skip school (7). Adolescents who must wake up at extremely early times are not readily equipped to learn. Not only that, but pushing school back later could also ensure that teachers have a lesson plan in place for their classes. Delaying school start times would put the education of students at the forefront of priorities, making it easier to receive a better education. Most importantly, later academic scheduling would ensure that students would be safe. While on the road, students with an extra hour in the morning are much more