Hispanic Population Research Paper

Words: 1019
Pages: 5

Based on demographic and statistic data gather from multiple sources during our community assessment we focused on health needs of Hispanic population in Dover community. The fact that 69.4% of people living in Dover are Hispanic decency has a big impact on existing health issues related to the diversities. (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/34/34027.html)
Ethnic minorities in the United States- especially those who have high rate of poverty (33%), and unemployment (12.3%), lower level of education and English proficiency such as Hispanics- often experience disparities in health condition and in accessing health care services. Good health is essential for successful life and functioning of the community, being able to work, attend school, and an overall enhance quality of life.
Despite great effort of government agencies in the advancement of public health, health disparities- based on ethnicity, race, or socioeconomic class-still exist and are leading cause to differences in affect the population by disease and have limited access to the healthcare. Disadvantage population often find affordable health care to be inaccessible, and more prominent incidences of chronic diseases, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes or stroke, are common. For example rates of blood pressure control among adults with hypertensions were lowest among Mexican-Americans and person without health insurance. All Hispanics groups except for Cuban Americans
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We identified related factors influencing this health issue in our community which is related to the diversities like population lower income, lower level of education, language barrier, and illegal