Homelessness In America Research Paper

Words: 896
Pages: 4

Homelessness in America

Benjamin Gustafson


Cardinal literature Mr. Williams

Homelessness is not an easy subject, there are many sides and different perspectives to the problem. A lot of people think that all of the homeless are just druggies and alcoholics, but most of them are sober just trying to survive.

Problems of Homelessness In the United States, all the major cities are filled with homeless people on every corner. The main problem with this situation is the number of homeless individuals is heavily increasing every year. In 2023 the count of homeless individuals was at 650,000 but there are many factors, including the rise in affordable housing and food. Claire Thornton, 2023) As of right now, in order to have
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But in smaller states, it’s harder to get a job where you start at pay right away. Food prices have skyrocketed since 2020 when the pandemic hit. In 2019 the food inflation rate was only 1.8 but in 2022 just three years later it skyrocketed all the way up to 10.4. Many homeless people on the streets in some areas have an addiction problem and cause mental illness. (Jessica Miller, 2024) 38% of homeless have an alcohol problem while 26% use other drugs. And drugs and alcohol have caused a bunch of people to become homeless. And the drugs are heavily affecting them, whenever they get money they will use the money on drugs instead of food and saving to get a better life. And it would be harder to get a job because no one would want to hire a drug addict that is always on drugs at work. …show more content…
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