Homelessness In America Research Paper

Words: 860
Pages: 4

On any given night, there are over half a million people who are homeless in America. That is almost the population of Wisconsin. Imagine it is a cold winter night and the ground is covered with snow. Aren't you thankful for a roof over your head? Heaters that keep you nice and warm? Not everyone has this. Homeless people don't have all this. They were lucky to even get into a hotel for one night. People should have more of an understanding of homelessness and should do their best to put an end to it. For starters, being homeless is very unhealthy, not only for the individual but also for society. For the individual, it is very unhealthy because they don't really have cleaning facilities that they can use to clean up cuts because many people do suffer from infections. Many times, it can also …show more content…
Homelessness affects the society because homeless people lack a place to go to the restroom. And when they need to use a restroom, most businesses won't allow an unpaying customer to use the facilities or they can be closed. So this leads to individuals going to the bathroom out in public, which can spread tons of bacteria and diseases. In especially warm regions in the summertime, when temperatures get over 100 degrees, a homeless person's face can be a source of sweat and burns. Its Wood 2 burns from having no home to retreat into to avoid the blazing sun, and it burns from lacking aloe vera or sunblock due to the searing reality of being homelessly broke. The brutally cold winters bring no avail either. Many people would agree that being homeless is not only unhealthy by not being sanitary, but also by how it affects people. Returning to homelessness for many is like going back to prison. Another reason why homelessness should come to an end is to save money. One reason why homelessness has not come to an end is because some argue that it is too expensive to shelter all homeless