Honduras Research Paper

Words: 753
Pages: 4

Honduras is another spanish speaking country in Central America. It is located in Central America west to Guatemala, south to El Salvador, and east of Nicaragua. Honduras is slightly bigger than Tennesy. It was founded on September 15, 1821 and gained its independance from Spain on the same year. Honduras adopted its flag in 1866, the five stars in the center represent the five original Central American provinces. The two blue stripes on the flag represent the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the middle white stripe represent the land between the two bodies of water.

Honduras has many special holidays and celebrations that are really important to the Honduran people. One of those celebrations would be Semana Santa, holy week, which is
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The Copan Ruins, these ruins are a relatively small Mayan site famous for its remarkable series of portrait stelae. They are located in western Honduras. La Tigra National Park is also a famous landmark. It is the first national park in Honduras. It was established in January 1, 1980 making it 36 years old. Santa Barbara de Trujillo, is a fortress located along the Caribbean coast of Honduras. This 17th-century Spanish fortress is a part of what shaped the history of the American …show more content…
There are a lot of fun activities to do there, there are beautiful sandy beaches, snorkeling, scuba diving, zip lining and much more. If you are interested in the history of Honduras, the capital,Tegucigalpa, has a lot to offer. You could visit their stunning museum, learn more about their history and explore their exotic churches. The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa. Claimed on September 29, 1578 and became the country's capital on October 30th, 1880 under President Marco Aurelio Soto. It is the largest city in Honduras and has the biggest population. Its is home to 897,000 people in counting.
The currency Honduras uses is Honduran lempira. If I were to take one US Dollar to Honduras I would get back 22 Lempiras. Their government is Presidential Representatives and Democratic representatives. The government is given executive power whiles Legislative power goes to the National Congress of Honduras.
The president of this country is Juan Orlando Hernandez. Honduras’s population is 8.098 million people. The climate varies from tropical in the lowlands and temperate in the mountains. The central and southern regions are relatively hotter and less humid than the northern