However, this level of integrity is yet to be achieved at the school I attend as many students “[do] not fully understand the role of an honor code” due to the disregard for educating students on cheating and plagiarism (Source B). Although it is Pennsauken High School’s goal to have honest students, some of the staff fail to recognize that “the highest levels of academic dishonesty are usually found at [schools] that have not engaged their students in active dialogue on the issue of academic dishonesty” (Source F). Without articulation on the topic of honor codes, students will fail to understand it, but if schools put more effort into educating students on this topic, it will provide students with “a clear explanation of the importance of behaving with integrity” (Source B). Pennsauken High School must also “[encourage] student involvement in developing community standards on academic dishonesty” so that more students follow the honor code (Source