Hospital Cardiac Arrest

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Literature Review - Does pre-hospital intubation save lives in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) or is the simple ‘ABC’ more appropriate?

A literature review is a critical, evaluative piece of writing or a report on existing published research which has been written to identify areas of debate, formulate any questions and recognise areas of research that need further exploration. This essay will write about what a literature review is and why they are conducted. For the purpose of this essay a subject area within paramedic practice - ‘Does pre-hospital intubation save lives in out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) or is the simple ‘ABC’ more appropriate?’ will be used to demonstrate how to find and explore a variety of literature
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Using compare and contrast methods to appreciate different author’s views on the subject or any reoccurring themes providing a summary of statistical literature, demonstrating knowledge about the literature of the field. The Harvard Graduate School of Education define a literature review as, ‘an assessment of a body of research that addresses a research question.’ (University, 2014). The literature review is made up of a research journey with several steps, as the Harvard School specifies, ‘Framing a research question, Searching relevant bodies of literature, Managing search results, Synthesizing the research literature, Writing an assessment of the literature.’ (University, 2014). For a number of years the National Health Service (NHS) has promoted an evidence-based approach to implementing changes in clinical practice, as it is important for paramedics to deliver up-to-date and innovative procedures that is best for patients (JRCALC, June …show more content…
The researcher will explore all literature through the use of Anglia Ruskin’s virtual desktop as their online library allows access to more exclusive articles, books and previous research that is available on Google Scholar. As the researcher has a specific topic to study, the first search on Google Scholar will be the full title of ‘Does pre-hospital intubation save lives in out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) or is the simple ‘ABC’ more appropriate?’ bringing up only 8 results, this search is not wide enough as there are too many words in the search box. To obtain more results only key words such as, ‘intubation’, ‘pre-hospital’ and ‘out of hospital cardiac arrest’ were used, as a result of doing this 15,400 results came up, widening the search however, making it more refined and specific to the topic. To assure that the literature is up-to-date, from the United Kingdom (UK) and current the researcher then utilizes only papers from the year 2014 – present and introduces the abbreviation UK into the search, thus again making the search even smaller at 683 articles. Nevertheless, this is still far too many articles when writing a literature