How 9/11 Changed America

Words: 1508
Pages: 7

On September 11, 2001, the lives of all Americans were changed, marking an important date in today's history. People from all over the country watched in horror and disbelief as terrorists hijacked four planes full of our loved ones right in front of us. Planes hit the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, and another plane crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania. These attacks caused almost 3,000 people to die. Serious safety measures had to take place following the attacks of 9/11 in order to keep the people of America safe. One of the first orders President George W. Bush put into place after the attacks were new foreign and domestic policies. The United States also completely changed the way that airports were run and the security systems that …show more content…
The war ended up costing the United States around Eight Trillion dollars and around 900,000 American citizens were killed. In addition to the War of Terror and new domestic policies, the economy after 9/11, was in rough shape. The night of 9/11, the economy was doing fine. “Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business, as well.” Little did the Government of the United States know that the Americans at this time were frightened by what had just happened, and they are going to significantly reduce their spending causing all kinds of businesses to lose money including airports and the stock market. In conclusion, the events of 9/11 have been a major turning point in United States history. The terrorist attacks had created a distough country who had to come together as a whole to get through it. The attacks caused thousands of people to die and many jobs were lost. Following the events of 9/11, major changes took place all over the United States, including Airport Security and major policies that were changed and created throughout the United