How Did India Occur In The 1700s

Words: 354
Pages: 2

Fact Page

1)Name: India


3)Type of government: Colonial (British Raj)- Ruled by British

C)jute, cotton, sugarcane, coffee and tea as a main export

India had many major events occur since the 1700s. It began in 1857 when the Sepoy Rebellion occurred. The sepoys began to revolt against the British East India Company. In 1858, the British Crown took direct rule over India. They ruled over India until 1947 when they gained independence. They also divided into India and Pakistan. They also fought on the allies side during World War 1 in 1914, which led to the League of Nations
The major leaders in India were Mohandas Gandhi and the Indian National Congress. Mohandas Gandhi promotes non-violence resistance