How Did John Quincy Adams Get Into The Seat Of President

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Pages: 3

1. “Revolution of 1828”- when John Q Adams, Andrew Jackson, and Henry Clay ran for president.
2. common man- instead of the aristocrats, the common man type of person was more endeared by the people.
3. Andrew Jackson- he was considered the people’s president but he was also considered a king by many.
4. William Crawford- he ran for president in 1824, but he had to drop out due to a stroke.
5. Daniel Webster- ran against Martin van Buren in 1836 for the Whig Party but he lost.
6. John C. Calhoun- vice president under Andrew Jackson
7. Denmark Vesey- brought from the Caribbeans, he plotted one of the biggest slave revolt in American history.
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Henry Clay- helped Quincy Adams get into the seat of president because he hated Andrew Jackson.
10. John Quincy Adams- won against Jackson in election prior to Jackson winning the election, Jackson won the popular vote, but lost in the electoral college.
11. Robert Y. Hayne- debated against Daniel Webster.
12. Martin Van Buren - president that followed up Jackson and believed in most of his ideals also.
13. tyranny of the majority- basically what democracy is because in democracy someone always loses.
14. William Henry Harrison- ran for president against Martin van Buren
15. rotation in office- basically the switching of the people that hold power in office.
16. New Democracy-
17. spoils system- where the people that helped the person win something also gets rewarded seats in power.
Maysville Road - first considered a state road would later be created in an interstate road. However, Jackson would refuse to put in funds to pay for the cost to maintain it.
18. nullification- South Carolina would consider the tariffs unconstitutional and thereby considered the tariffs